Outside Employment and Secondary Employment at CC for 工作人员

Vice President for People and Workplace Culture


All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, the college will look to the campus community, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s 校董会 are governed by their Bylaws.



工作人员 may accept employment outside the college as long as it does not interfere with their regular work schedule or work responsibilities, affect their work performance, reflect adversely on the college, or represent a conflict of interest. 

Members of the President’s Cabinet

Cabinet members are required to discuss any outside employment with the president on an annual basis to ensure there is no ongoing conflict of interest, adverse reflection on the college, or substantial impact on their service to the college.  Outside employment by cabinet members is limited to 10 days per calendar year unless otherwise approved by the president. 

Substantial impact on service to the college

在某些情况下, outside employment may result in poor performance or absenteeism, 迟到, 或者提前离开. There also may be difficulties in staff meeting expectations for travel, 加班, or flexibility in working different hours. If outside employment creates these or other issues, the staff member must take steps to eliminate the job-related concern.  如果有必要的话, administrative action including disciplinary procedures up to and including termination will be followed.

Conflict of Interest - Some examples of a conflict of interest that may occur with outside employment include:

  • Competes with any current or planned products or activities at the college.
  • Involves performance of outside business during normal working time at the college.
  • Makes use of any of the college’s proprietary or confidential information.
  • Involves working for a competitor of the college.
  • Use of any college resources.
  • Working for or with a current or former vendor or service provider of the college.

Receipt of compensation or anything of significant value from a current or former vendor or service provider of the college.


工作人员 are required to discuss with their supervisor any outside employment that may represent a conflict of interest or have a substantial impact on their service to the college.  Any potential conflict of interest that is created by the outside employment should be submitted to the appropriate persons as set forth in the college’s Code of Ethical Conduct and Conflict of Interest 政策.

Cabinet members must obtain written approval from the president at the beginning of each fiscal year for any outside employment and maintain a thorough record of the services and dates regarding performance of the outside employment.  Any potential conflict of interest created by the outside employment should be submitted to appropriate persons as set forth in the college’s Code of Ethical Conduct and Conflict of Interest 政策.

Secondary Job with 科罗拉多大学

On occasion, a staff member may work for the college in a capacity other than as an employee (e.g. independent contractor). All instances where current staff is asked or requests to work for the college as an independent contractor must be approved by human resources. The staff member will be required to provide documentation that they meet the IRS requirements for independent contractor status and provide an employee identification number.



Any activity unrelated to 科罗拉多大学 for which economic benefit is received, including but not limited to, 现金支付, non-cash compensation (share of profits, 股票份额, 参股, or other) that may be agreed to by an employee of the college and another employer.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 10/19/2022