
These guidelines supplement the College's standard procurement policy and should be followed for any purchase made with federal funds.

联邦政府规定了一套采购物资的标准, 用联邦资金购买的设备和不动产. Procurement procedures must comply with the standards imposed by OMB (Office of Management and Budget) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, 联邦奖励的审计要求(2 CFR-200).

Guidelines for Purchases

  • All purchases must be in compliance with the College's Statement for Conflicts of Interest and Code of Ethical Conduct as well as the Financial Conflict of Interest policy specific to federal grant funding. In addition no employee, officer, or agent of the College shall participate in the procurement of goods and equipment supported by grant funds (whether federal or private) if a real or apparent conflict of interest would be involved. 这样的冲突会在员工, officer, or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, 或雇用或即将雇用上述任何一方的组织, 该公司是否有财务或其他利益被选定为奖励或收购对象. The officers, employees, 学院的代理人不得索取或接受酬金, favors, 或是供货商或承包商送的任何有价值的东西.
  • The vendor or contractor that meets the required quality standards at the lowest cost should be selected. Regardless of the cost of acquisition, 受助人必须避免购买不必要的物品. 如果购买大量的成本比你需要的数量便宜, 联邦指导方针要求只购买所需的数量.
  • Capital Equipment is defined by the OMB as "tangible nonexpendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit.“采购成本包括安装费和运费. 其他信息载于下面的基本设备一节.
  • Debarment and Suspension: No purchases shall be made from parties who have been involved in fraud, waste or abuse. 美国总务管理局(GSA)列出了被禁止的政党名单, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, and contractors declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority on the System for Award Management. (该清单以前被称为EPLS或排除方清单系统.)如果一个奖助金需要花费总计$10,000 in a fiscal year from one vendor, 有必要完成并记录一份禁令和停职检查 sam.gov before a purchase is made. Please review these procedures 并在此过程中联系赞助研究主任寻求帮助.
  • Small, Minority-Owned, and Women's Business Enterprise Utilization: Colleges and universities expending federal funds are required to make positive efforts to use small businesses, minority-owned firms, 和妇女的商业企业,只要有可能.
  • The Davis-Bacon Act requires contractors and subcontractors on federally funded or assisted contracts to pay their laborers and mechanics employed under the contract no less than the locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits for corresponding work on similar projects in the area. 科罗拉多州劳工部决定当地的普遍工资率.

Purchasing Guidelines Based on Threshold

门槛金额指的是购买的总成本. For example, 购买三台900美元的笔记本电脑被认为是2美元,700 purchase, not three separate items. A $90,000 equipment purchase with a $5,000 delivery/set-up fee and $8,000美元的辅助部件构成超过100美元的购买,000.

  • $10,000以下的购买(“小额购买”): 如果价格合理,不需要竞争性报价. 选择应以质量和成本为基础. To the extent practicable, purchases must be distributed equitably among qualified suppliers.
  • All Purchases (single or cumulative) over $10,000 from a single vendor within a fiscal year: Written price or rate quotations must be obtained from an adequate number of qualified sources (see table below). A purchaser should not expend his or her own funds for reimbursement on purchases over $3,000.


Micro-purchase Not to exceed micro-purchase threshold:
$0 - 10,000
  • 如果价格被认为是合理的,不需要投标或报价. Reasonableness could be determined by comparing the price to past purchases or other published prices and/or requesting prices from more than one vendor.
  • 在实际情况下,在一系列合格的供应商之间公平分配


Small purchase procedure 大于微购买,不超过简化获取门槛;
$10,001 - $250,000
  • Price or rate quotes must be obtained from adequate number of sources (at least two)
  • Can be informal, e.g., phone call or web search
  • 所有报价,包括电话,网络搜索等., must be documented and kept on file
  • Price does not need to be deciding factor, but all quotes need to be kept in procurement records


Sealed bid 大于简化采集阈值:
$250,001 and greater
  • Used when selection of successful bidder can be made principally on the basis of price
  • 投标必须从足够数量的已知供应商中征求, providing sufficient response time
  • 地方和部落政府必须公开发布投标广告
  • Invitation for bids must define the items or services in order for bidders to properly respond
  • 所有标书将在邀请书规定的时间和地点开标. 地方和部落政府必须公开开放.
  • Firm fixed price contract made in writing to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder
  • 如果有充分的书面理由,任何或所有投标都可以被拒绝


Competitive proposal 大于简化采集阈值:
$250,001 and greater
  • Must be publicized and identify all evaluation factors and their relative importance
  • 必须从足够数量的合格来源征求
  • Must have a written method for conducting technical evaluations of the proposals and selecting recipients
  • Contracts must be awarded to the responsible firm whose proposal is most advantageous to the program, with price and other factors considered


Noncompetitive proposal (sole source) Greater than micro-purchase threshold:
$10,000 and greater
  • 只有当项目只能从单一来源获得时才可以使用, the public exigency or emergency will not permit a delay resulting from competitive solicitation, federal awarding agency or pass-through entity expressly authorizes its use in response to a written request, 或者经过多方征集认定竞争不足
  • 使用非竞争性提案的理由必须记录在案
  • 任何来自多个来源的可用性研究都必须记录
  • 授权文件必须保留
  • Any initial solicitations from multiple sources which are concluded to be inadequate, and such reasoning, must be documented



Documentation Requirements

Documentation must be maintained for single or cumulative purchases from a single vendor within a fiscal year that exceed $10,000. 文件必须足以详细说明采购历史. A quote is a written statement from a vendor regarding the price for a specific good or service. Quotes and bids should include specifications and qualifying characteristics considered by vendor/contractor including delivery and time frame, scope of work, references, and other relevant specifications.


  • Basis for the vendor/contractor selection. Information showing how the College arrived at the decision to award the contract to that particular vendor/contractor.
  • Basis for the award cost or price: the cost and price analysis should be documented to establish that the institution obtained a fair price.


  • A sole source purchase
  • 没有获得最低数量的成本估算和报价
  • Lowest cost bid is not selected


助学金是颁发给赌博正规的十大网站,而不是发给个人pi. 因此,用拨款购买的物品和设备属于赌博正规的十大网站. All institutional policies regarding capital equipment, purchasing, and procurement apply.

Capital Equipment

Capital equipment is defined by the OMB as "tangible nonexpendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit.“与资产可用性相关的所有成本都可以资本化. Equipment acquired with external support becomes the property of Colorado College unless restricted by the sponsor.

  • PI Responsibilities要求pi确保设备的正确接收, track equipment, 参与盘点并通知财务办公室 & 有关设备状况、位置、丢失或损坏的管理. The PIs establish maintenance procedures and records and are responsible for the operational condition of the equipment.
  • Record Keeping赌博正规的十大网站保存包括描述在内的记录, serial number, 资金来源(包括联邦奖励识别号码), or FAIN), who holds title, acquisition date and cost, location, use and condition status, and disposition data. This information is maintained by the Tax & 合规经理以及存储在学院的固定资产记录.
  • Inventory: The Office of Finance & 管理部门在收购资产时给资产打上标签. The Office of Finance & Administration performs a physical inventory of equipment purchased with grant funds every two years to verify the existence and condition of the equipment, and the accuracy of the College's records.
  • Disposal用奖助金所购买之物品,若确定已过时, and the item's value exceeds $5,000, disposition rules must be followed. 这可能包括请求授予机构的处置指示. Possible disposition practices may require compensating the Federal awarding agency for its proportion of the original cost applied to the fair market value. Please notify the Tax & 合规经理处理用联邦资金购买的资产.
Report an issue - Last updated: 06/07/2024