

总统L. 理查森的歌

I write today to share a decision I have made about my future with the college. Following careful contemplation and with the deepest respect for this extraordinary place and its future, I have decided to return to my role as a professor of law at the University of California, 欧文法学院, 并成立一个专注于公平的研究所, 机会, 和领导能力.

Words cannot express how difficult it is to choose to leave this beautiful and vital college community. My legal and academic career has focused on the pursuit of equity and fairness. 随着我们关于这些话题的全国对话继续加强, I find myself increasingly torn between my desire to pursue that work as an academic with the freedom to fully engage in these debates, 表达个人观点, 挑战现状, 以及我作为校长赌博正规的十大网站的责任. I have concluded that I must follow the moral obligation I feel to engage in these deeply challenging conversations as a law professor, scholar, 也是一家研究所的主任. I have informed Board Chair 杰夫·凯勒 and the Board of Trustees of my decision to step down effective June 30, 2024, 回到我在加州大学欧文分校的教职岗位. 我感谢董事会的理解.

When I came to 科罗拉多大学, I intended to serve for many years if the board so desired. I did not anticipate how much the calling to pursue academic work and to lead an Institute focused on the issues that have motivated my entire career first as a lawyer and then as an academic would grow in the current moment. 董事会的支持, 以及他们对我的决定的感激, 只是让我更加欣赏董事会及其领导层吗.

The exciting news is that the board has already identified an exceptional leader to step in upon my departure, 正如凯勒主席下文所解释的那样. I could not endorse the board’s choice with more enthusiasm or with greater confidence in her leadership, 完整性, 和能力. I know this community will rally around her as they did me, and that she will make you proud.

在未来的几个月里,我们有很多工作要做,我们将共同努力. 当我离开科罗拉多大学的时候, 爱和感激将伴随我一生. 在一起, 我们已经建立了一个愿景,并取得了很大的成就, 包括创纪录的筹款, 为有才能的学生提供更多机会, and innovative new courses and programs capitalizing on the flexibility of the Block. We have also set ambitious goals that put CC on a path of continued success, service, 并且影响无愧于其杰出的人民. 在董事会的领导下, 你的下一任总统, 内阁, 以及这个社区的持续支持, 我知道我的离开不会影响我们的进展,但会, rather, 创造新的机会,推动CC向前发展. 

It has been the honor of my career to have played a part in the arc of this college’s powerful story. I look forward to continuing to serve as your president and learn alongside you for the remainder of this semester as we prepare for the future. 


L. 理查森的歌




I am writing today to share with you my gratitude to 总统 Richardson and our plans for the future. The moral drive that has called 总统 Richardson to refocus her passion and talents on her scholarship and teaching is consistent with the principled leader we have come to appreciate and admire. 而她的任期结束得比董事会和我所希望的要早得多, 由于她的领导,CC显然变得更好、更强大. 

从一开始到她的任期, 总统 Richardson has challenged the CC community to ask ourselves how we can do what we do better 在高等教育的过渡时期. 上任仅两个月,她就发起了竞选 2024项目, an ambitious strategic planning process that has engaged hundreds of CC voices to identify the decisions, 投资, and commitments the college must take to position itself for its next 150 years. 

That successful effort is igniting a series of initiatives to support two priority areas: reinforcing liberal learning and valuing our people, 同时为CC应对高等教育面临的主要挑战做好准备. 作为总统, Song articulated the four pillars that support our mission and are foundational to our students’ experience and all we do at CC. 她还率先定义了三个镜头——可持续性, 心理健康和保健, 还有反种族主义——我们现在用它来考虑所有的决定和行动. I look forward to celebrating these achievements and her many other contributions to CC with you later this semester.

To ensure the college’s forward momentum in implementing 总统 Richardson’s vision, 我很自豪也很感激地宣布. 马尼亚·惠特克, 执行副总裁兼幕僚长, has accepted the board’s request to serve as interim president for the next two years, 7月1日生效. 我们任命杨博士的原因. 惠特克有很多, 并以她的CC知识为基础, 她对其使命的承诺, and the drive and skill that have earned her the respect of the board and people across our campus community.

自2011年加入学院以来. Whitaker has served in multiple critical roles that have given her a broad and deep understanding of CC and its goals. 除了 to serving as an esteemed member of our faculty and as executive VP and chief of staff, 她也是皇冠学院中心的主任, 研究生院主任兼教育主席, 也是巴特勒中心的临时主任. 

Dr. Whitaker has been 总统 Richardson’s partner in the development of 2024项目, 我们的四大支柱, 以及引导我们的镜头, putting her in a unique position to lead the implementation of these efforts. 除了, 通过她在高等教育中的奖学金, she brings in-depth knowledge of the liberal arts and the challenges educational institutions like CC face today. 也许最重要的是. 惠特克的协作式领导风格得到了广泛认可, 她从同事那里赢得的信任和支持, and the close working relationship she has built with our students and staff. The board and I are unanimous in our conviction that she is the ideal person to serve as interim president and advance the college’s goals over these next two critical years. 

虽然这种规模的变化可能是一个挑战, we are fortunate that we have two outstanding leaders so well aligned and so deeply committed to this college and its future. 我们将与理查森总统和克林顿博士密切合作. Whitaker to ensure a seamless transition as this work takes its next steps forward. Should you have questions about this transition, I encourage you to let us know at trustees@bomabearing.com. 我们将尽最大努力及时作出回应.

我们正准备在建校150周年之际进行这一转变, our college stands poised for progress of vital importance and meaning to our students and the wider community we serve. 你的参与会让一切变得不同, and we look forward to all that we as a community will do together in the months and years ahead to strengthen and advance CC and its mission.




报告问题 - 最后更新: 02/07/2024