Guidelines for 教师

Below are general guidelines to assist faculty in supporting 学生 with disabilities. We welcome your feedback and suggestions for expanding the information found on this 页面, as our goal is to make this relevant and helpful to faculty.

Specifics about accommodations can be found on the Accommodations 页面.

教师在确保学生意识到学院对平等机会的承诺方面发挥着关键作用, 活动, and services. 你可以通过邀请残疾学生为你的课程提出住宿要求来支持学院创建包容性教育社区的努力. 我们鼓励你在你的教学大纲中加入以下陈述之一,或者你自己的陈述:

  • 赌博正规的十大网站致力于创造一个满足其多样化学生群体需求的学习环境. 如果你预期或经历任何与残疾有关的障碍,学习本课程, please discuss your concerns and/or approved accommodation with me. I would like us to discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course. Additionally, if you have not already done so, please connect with Accessibility Resources, 负责协调残疾学生住宿和服务的办公室, 719-227-8285, Armstrong 219.

  • 如果你有残疾,并预期与本课程的形式或要求相关的障碍, please meet with me. I would like us to discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course, as well as talk about how best to coordinate your accommodations. Additionally, if you have not already done so, please connect with Accessibility Resources, 负责协调残疾学生住宿和服务的办公室, 719-227-8285, Armstrong 219.

  •  If you experience a disability and are requesting accommodations for this course, 请尽快与我私下交谈,以便我们讨论如何最好地安排住宿. If you have not already done so, please connect with Accessibility Resources, 负责协调残疾学生住宿和服务的办公室, 719-227-8285, Armstrong 219.

When to provide accommodations:院系应提供住宿的学生提供及时通知需要住宿的课程通过 AR Online Services faculty notification process. 通常, 您将通过AR在线服务生成的电子邮件收到“教师通知信”, but 学生 can also provide you with a PDF or hard copy of this letter.

虽然教师没有义务提供住宿,直到收到教师通知信, 如果残疾是明显的,并且住宿是合理的,请考虑在等待无障碍资源的正式通知时提供住宿. Best practice, 虽然, 由于无障碍资源是指定审批住宿的办公室,所以是否将住宿称为“安排”而不是“住宿”.

If a student offers to provide you with a copy of disability-related documentation, such as medical records or a psychoeducational evaluation, please refer the student to Accessibility Resources, the office designated by the College to manage such records.

Providing accommodations: Please provide classroom accommodations as indicated in the faculty notification letter. 无障碍资源工作人员可以支持教师和学生的住宿实施. 然而, due to limited staff and space, as well as logistical issues inherent to the Block Plan, 我们的办公室依靠教师提供教室住宿,如延长考试时间和提供一个分散注意力的考试设置. Your support in providing these accommodations is very much appreciated.

Meeting with 学生 regarding their accommodations对于教师来说,与选择认为自己有残疾的学生见面是很重要的,以便讨论他们在课程中可能需要的住宿, including how best to implement the accommodations. 在这次会议上,学生可以或不可以选择披露他们残疾的性质. Due to the very personal and private nature of some disabilities, 重要的是,会议在一个保护学生隐私权的地方举行.

如果一个学生在课堂上有困难,而你认为这可能是由于一种未知的残疾, 你可能想和学生私下谈谈你对学生表现的担忧. If so, please keep the following tips in mind:

  • 强调学生表现的积极方面,同时指出学生可能遇到困难的具体方面.g., unable to complete exams within time limits, significant spelling errors, poor reading comprehension).
  • Please don't suggest that the student may have a disability. Instead, ask if the student has had difficulty with academic concern(s) in the past.
  • If the student describes a history of difficulty and/or expresses current concern, 你可以建议学生预约与无障碍资源的工作人员交谈,这样我们就可以帮助评估下一步可能有帮助的步骤.

请记住,我们将尽一切努力在必要时为学生提供合理和适当的住宿. 然而, 要求降低学院的学术标准或从根本上改变学院的课程, 项目, or degree requirements will be denied. 如果您对特定住宿有疑问,请联系无障碍资源.

Colorado College respects the privacy of its 学生. 家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)管理所有学生记录信息. 所有关于学生残疾和住宿的信息都与学生的学术档案分开保存. 这些信息是保密的,没有学生的书面许可,不会泄露给第三方, except in circumstances involving matters of health, 安全, 和法律.

一般, 教师有权知道在课程中请求住宿的学生是否有残疾记录,以及哪些住宿已经得到无障碍资源工作人员的批准. 然而, 关于学生的残疾的具体信息提供给教师和工作人员在需要知道的基础上. (Note: Please keep all information related to 学生' disabilities in a secure location).

赌博正规的十大网站致力于为残疾学生提供公平的学术体验. Please refer to the 权利 and Responsibilities 页面 for information on how Accessibility Resources, 学生, and faculty all contribute to meeting this goal. Please contact Accessibility Resources if you need additional information or assistance. We are here to support both 学生 and faculty.

赌博正规的十大网站支持残疾学生参加国内和国际校外体验, including providing accommodations to the extent possible. The key to an accessible and inclusive experience lies in careful planning.

教师可以通过提供基本课程要求的清晰描述和提供学生在旅行方面可以期望的信息来提供帮助, 住宿, physical activity, 等. 我们建议教师鼓励学生与他们联系,讨论访问和住宿需求, in collaboration with Accessibility Resources, to work together to develop an accommodation plan. 无障碍资源并不总是知道残疾学生是否参加了校外教学或有实地学习成分的课程. 因此, 我们要求学生尽早通知教师住宿和其他支持需求.

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