夏日旅行:账单 & 援助

了解夏季街区是如何融资的, 收费是多少?, 以及有什么经济援助可以让所有学生都能选择由cc主导的暑期街区.  赌博正规的十大网站努力让学生有机会进入, 股本, 包容是我们全球教育项目的标志. 



  • 学费:  大多数课程是1单元(1块)的课程, 也就是说他们有夏季街区的标准收费标准, 就像在校园里一样. 
  • 项目费用: 这笔费用包括校外课程的现场费用, 包括所有房屋, 地面运输, 远足, 指令, 集体活动, 餐, 还有我们的旅行和健康保险(针对国际项目). 
  • 机票:  机票不包括在CC账单中,由学生在预订机票时支付. 


  • $6,000-$12,000 CC夏季学费($6,2024年1台1000美元, $12,(2个单元的西班牙项目)
  • $1,000-$5,500 CC课程费用(课程费用将根据课程地点和课程时长而有所不同.)
  • $600-$2,200机票(学校不收取费用,因为机票是个人购买的.)


作为暑期校外街区的参与者,学生可以获得两种形式的援助, 外卡和封锁援助奖.

外卡:  此补助金自动适用于任何学生的第一个CC暑期课程, 无论是校内还是校外, 并且抵消(取消)暑期学分第一块的学费.  它只适用于夏季学分的第一单元, so a student who uses it one year would be expected to pay for summer tuition if they were to enroll in a future summer course.  参加CC暑期西班牙项目的学生, 哪一门是两单元的课程, 可以用外卡支付2块学费中的1块吗, 但是需要支付该项目第二单元的学费. 

所有CC学生都有资格获得外卡奖,但在他们的CC职业生涯中只能获得一个奖项.  The Award is only used to offset (remove) the tuition charge for a students's 第一个 CC summer course and cannot be applied to the program fees associated with CC Off-Campus blocks during the summer or the school year.  It also cannot be applied to non-CC summer courses taken through other universities or international education providers. 

阻断援助奖项: 学生 who receive need-based aid at the College for their academic year costs are eligible for two Block Away 援助 Awards during their CC careers. 这些可以用于学年和夏季会议期间的封锁项目. 所有被批准参加cc领导的夏季校外街区的学生都将被自动审查是否有资格获得资助. 不需要额外的申请. The Block 援助 Award is designed to help offset costs related to a Block Away program fee as well as the estimated round trip airfare costs for that off-campus block. 援助受助人通常会在申请截止日期后两周内收到他们的奖励通知, 在每个项目的学生承诺之前,给他们时间来决定这个项目是否在经济上可行 & 撤军的最后期限. The Block 援助 Award is calculated to cover a percentage (ranging from 20% up to 90%) of the program fee as well as the estimated round trip airfare cost, 基于进出丹佛的航班. 整体助学金不抵消或适用于夏季学费. 


是的. A student eligible for the Block 援助 Awards is eligible for 2 awards and may choose to use both for to academic year off-campus blocks, 两个夏季校外街区, 或者两者中的一个.  在夏天, it is possible to use two block aid awards in the same summer if the two courses do not have overlapping dates or to enroll in the 2-unit Summer in Spain program. 也可以在两个不同的夏天使用这两个块援助奖.  然而, 学生们应该知道,助学金不影响暑期学习的学费, 外卡奖学金只对学生在学院的第一个暑期课程有效, so any further summer blocks taken (on campus or off) would come with a per-unit tuition charge in addition to any program fees. This tuition charge would not be included in a Block 援助 Award for a 2nd summer off-campus block once the Wild Card has been used. 


为了正式退出暑期校外宿舍, 学生应返回Summit并使用蓝色“申请取消”按钮登记退课.  亲自通知项目教师或全球教育工作人员, 通过电话, 短信或电子邮件是不够的.  未能在Banner注册系统上注册课程也不足以作为退学资格.  只有在首脑会议门户网站上取消才会被视为正式退出, 撤回日期与首脑会议的取消日期相对应. 


夏季校外街区的退出截止日期为3月15日(2024年), 2025年夏季课程将调整到3月1日.  学生 who withdraw from their summer program on or before this date face no withdrawal fees and are not responsible for any CC-billed program charges. 

撤军 charges for Summer Blocks are defined by the withdrawal date as it relates to this deadline as well as the program departure date.  


The billed charges for a Summer Block Away are impacted significantly by the date of withdrawal from the off-campus block. 

-在Block 8期间或之后的最低提现费用增加到项目费用的25%.
——和所有的暑期课程一样, 在第一天上课后的21天内退课也要收取30%的学费.


2025年及以后将实施新的逾期提款费结构.  新政策的细节将在2025年夏季入学期之前公布. 

撤军 & 金融援助:

经济援助奖, 包括暑期学费外卡, 不能用于支付提款费用. 当学生退学时, 援助奖被撤销, 允许为未来的封锁招生提供援助. 


虽然很不幸, there are situations where a medical necessity would require that a student withdraw from a study away program either following the 撤军的最后期限 or even mid-program.  在这些情况下,应用以下策略.  


In the event a withdrawal from a CC-led summer program after the March 撤军 deadline and before the departure date is the result of an urgent medical concern which causes medical caregivers to recommend cancellation, 赌博正规的十大网站将尝试减少或免除学生账户中的任何项目费用. 为了核实撤离的医疗需要, students withdrawing will be asked to provide a statement from a licensed medical or mental health professional who can affirm that it is their recommendation that the student not travel due to a medical or mental health concern. 不需要详细的诊断, 只有确认主治医生不建议旅行. 该文件应在官方信笺上或通过医疗提供者的官方渠道提供.  还要求医生或卫生保健提供者是学生的专业人士, 而不是家庭成员或朋友. 在大多数情况下,此类事件可免除100%的费用, 然而, there are rare cases where only partial reimbursement is possible due to the nature of the expenditures already made on behalf of the student. 


  • 现场护理: 所有参加cc领导的出国留学项目的学生都可以获得医疗和心理健康服务, 无论是现场护理还是通过虚拟护理.  当学生在外学习期间遇到医疗或心理健康问题时, 他们应该 第一个 communicate their concerns to the on-site staff and work with the staff to ensure that appropriate and available care is accessed.  如果情况导致学生要求回家, 工作人员会安排学生提早离开.  然而, 就像校园里所有的药物戒断一样, it may be necessary for the student to withdraw from the courses due to the inability to complete the appropriate coursework. 
  • 文档: 为了使学生有资格获得部分课程费用的报销, 项目的教师领导必须确认现场有可用的医疗资源, 通过国际sos, 或通过CC提供的虚拟服务得到利用.  The student should work with the faculty and/or other on-site support staff to obtain documentation from the medical care providers outlining a recommendation that the student return home for care.  如果无法提供此类文件, 教职员工可以协助核实医疗必要性,并根据医疗需要批准离职.
  • 医疗的必要性: 科罗拉多大学 fully expects that most medical and mental health concerns which emerge while on a study away course can be appropriately treated and managed on-site with resources available to the program. 核准医疗退出, 而不是个人选择退出, is reserved for those cases in which appropriate care is difficult to obtain or when local providers recommend return to the student’s home.    


学生应将家庭危机的性质传达给该计划的教师领导. Leadership will discuss the concerns with 全球教育 and a determination will be made as to the scope of any possible reimbursement for a shortened study away experience.  学生 should anticipate that withdrawal prior to program departure due to family emergency will not produce a significant refund as most program expenses require significant on-site deposits which are not refundable. 项目中途退出也是如此, 然而, 国际SOS和CC的超高压旅行保险作为计划的一部分, 有些费用可以通过“旅行中断”保险索赔来报销.” This typically will include reimbursement for flight rebooking fees and potentially some other travel-related expenses.  

撤军 & 夏季学费

如果在夏季A班开始后的21天内退学,将收取30%的学费, 不能被外卡助学金覆盖的项目.  这笔费用不在全球教育部门的职权范围内,因此您需要与财务部门合作 & Administration Office as well as the Registrar to request removal of this charge due to a medical of family emergency withdrawal. 


暑期学生, departure mid-program means that a student returns home (to deal with whatever concerns led to the withdrawal) and should anticipate returning to campus for the start of the fall semester (Block 1) or upon recovery from their medical concern. 如果身体状况需要额外隔离, 学生应与咨询中心合作,申请因医疗原因请假.

No.  而赌博正规的十大网站过去要求所有的街区项目都要交押金, 在为所有学生建立更大的公平和机会的努力中,这种做法已经停止. 学院现在使用项目费用协议,其中概述了项目费用, 退出期限和其他与项目费用相关的政策. 当学生在峰会上获得课程教师的批准时,他们会收到此表格.  学生需要在此文件上签名,以确认他们参加了街区外的课程. 


西班牙暑期课程是cc赞助的唯一一个超过1个学分的暑期课程.  西班牙的项目是两个单元,两个区块的项目.  因此,它将有较高的项目费用,学生将收取2个单位的夏季学费.  申请本课程的学生应了解:

  • 他们将支付2个学期的暑期学费(2024年的标准=每学期6000美元)。.
  • 外卡, 申请以抵消学生第一个CC暑期班课程的学费, 将抵消(取消)1个单位的计划的2个单位的收费学费. 
  • 如果学生没有收到外卡,因为之前的暑期课程注册, 除了项目费用外,他们还需要支付2个单位的学费.
  • 如果学生获得了西班牙项目的街区援助奖, 它将只考虑项目费用和预期的机票费用, 不是这门课的额外学费. 
  • 如果学生有资格获得2个街区奖励(任何学生的最高限额), 他们可以在西班牙夏季项目中使用这两种方法.  Doing so will allow their aid to be used towards a percentage of both the program fee charge as well as the 2nd block of tuition billed to the student. 
  • 整体助学金不能用于减少第一单位学费的成本.  如果学生有资格获得外卡(再次),这将由外卡覆盖, (任何学生的第一个CC暑期课程). 

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/08/2024