Effie Stroud Frazier ’31

"I had two majors: English and education. 我曾计划成为一名英语教师,我是合格的. All my marks were very high in English. Not only was I not allowed to do the practice teaching. 我甚至被禁止进入教室观察正在教授的课程. 由于无法从事教学实践,我也无法获得一份体面的退休收入."

- Effie Stroud Frazier
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Highlights Impressions Upon First Coming to CC(00:52) Being Disallowed from Practice Teaching (02:42) Racist Theories in the Classroom (03:52) Career Prospects after College (03:05)Full Interview Before CC/Arriving at CC (starts at 00:00) Living through the Depression (starts at 22:58) After Colorado College (starts at 29:11) Experiences in the Colorado Springs Community (starts at 53:42) Read The Transcript

The fourth Stroud sibling, and two years younger than her brother Dolphus, Effie was a top scholar in her own right. 从很小的时候起,她就在一家寄宿公寓做女佣,帮助自己和家人养家糊口.

Regularly at the top of her class in elementary, middle, and high school, 她在化学方面的工作获得了演讲奖和全市和全州奖, including second-place from the American Chemical Society. Her high school grade in chemistry was an AA-plus, likely the first-ever given at Colorado Springs High School, now William J. Palmer High School.

Even with her academic promise and potential, 斯特劳德遭受了严重的种族歧视和对有色人种的系统性压迫. 当她拿到高中毕业证书时,没有人与她同行——她完全是一个人.

In the fall of 1927, 斯特劳德开始在赌博正规的十大网站学习,由于萨克斯基金会的资助,他得以参加, which provided for her tuition from semester to semester, as long as she kept her grades up. Henry Sachs, a local businessman and entrepreneur, noticed Stroud's potential in high school, 告诉她,如果她保持好成绩,努力工作养活自己, he'd pay her tuition.

Stroud graduated with a B.A. in English from CC in 1931, only the third black woman to do so. She finished less than one GPA percentage point below cum laude 尽管有这样的失望,他还是期待着一个光明的未来. 她想教书,为像她一样的学生提供机会.

However, no teaching jobs came. Despite a degree and a teaching certificate, Stroud only found work cleaning the college president's house. Once again, Henry Sachs stepped in, 资助她在汉普顿学院(现在的汉普顿大学)获得第二个学士学位, 这一次是在图书馆学——一个相对较新的领域. 斯特劳德把她的学位付诸实践,搬到了纽约市,在135百货公司工作th Street Branch Library in Harlem, meeting and collaborating with black artists, writers, and Harlem community members including W.E.B. Du Bois, Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and Claude McKay.

In the mid-'30s, 斯特劳德曾短暂地搬到印第安纳波利斯担任该市公共图书馆邓巴分馆的馆长, but due to harsh treatment in the heavily segregated city, she returned to New York soon after to pursue her master's degree in library science at Columbia University; she received her degree in 1951.


她在纽约公立学校系统担任图书管理教师, 并最终成为了整个城市所有公立学校图书馆的主管. Beyond her teaching and librarianship, 斯特劳德是一名社区活动家,她主持了哈德逊河畔河戴尔一个六个街区购物中心的清理项目,这项工作为她美化公共场所的努力赢得了“纽约公民”奖的第一名.

Stroud retired from her library duties in 1973, and returned to Colorado Springs in 1978, where some of her family still remained. 她继续志愿为第一长老会教堂做图书管理员,直到1994年去世.

Recollections by Juanita Martin, niece of Effie Stroud

当我陪艾菲参加她在科罗拉多大学的50周年同学聚会时, 就像50年前她被拒绝进入优等生协会时一样,她在感情上心烦意乱,愤愤不平. Her grades warranted the election; however, 一位白人男同学告诉她,委员会花了好几个小时试图为她的拒绝找理由. 他们终于想出了一个莫须有的理由:艾菲没有参加过任何课外小组, most of which systematically denied Black students. From John Holley's book, 派克峰地区的隐形人:“尽管艾菲和道尔菲斯都是CC的顶尖学者, graduating cum laude, 他们感到被其他学生孤立,因为他们被排除在大多数课外活动之外. 艾菲不能参加体育课,因为CC的学生去Broadmoor酒店游泳和骑马,黑人不允许在Broadmoor游泳池游泳. 艾菲参加了一个教学课程,但不允许在当地学校做观察或实践教学, as they were still denying appointment to black teachers."

艾菲在团聚时几乎要哭了,似乎仍然希望改变这个决定. In contrast to Dolphus, 艾菲似乎并不喜欢她在赌博正规的十大网站的经历,她很痛苦, rather than transcendent. 由于她的特殊能力和天赋,她期望更多,从未与过去和平相处. It is no wonder. 霍利的书是这样写的:“一个总是勤奋学习的高成就者, 艾菲·斯特劳德(Effie Stroud)在大三时是班上的第一名,在大四时是第六或第七名. 她在大四的时候获得了演讲奖,并写了一篇关于化学的文章,在美国化学学会主办的科罗拉多斯普林斯比赛中获得了第一名,在该州获得了第二名. Her grade in chemistry was AA-plus, 这可能是科罗拉多斯普林斯高中第一次给出这样的分数.

然而,艾菲仍然受制于种族种姓制度. 1927年,当她走上新城市礼堂的舞台接受毕业证书时, nobody marched beside her. 她和其他几个学生获得了赌博正规的十大网站的奖学金,但他们只花了50美元, which was far less than the cost of tuition even in 1927. 萨克斯基金会奖学金源于艾菲的经历,并支持她的大学教育. This may have assuaged the pain of racism somewhat for Effie for a time; however, 她离开科罗拉多斯普林斯多年,因为她在这里受到了侮辱. 她后来取得了许多成就,并在纽约担任了图书管理员和教师.

I strongly encourage you to purchase and read John Holley's book, 它包含了许多当地家庭以及斯特劳德一家的丰富信息. Artifacts may be available at Pioneers Museum. 不幸的是,大多数黑人必须透过种族主义的棱镜来看待他们的生活, but such is the life to which we are subjected.

Juanita Martin

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