CC Pantry Exchange

Welcome to the CC Pantry Exchange. 这个项目是校园活动和可持续发展办公室之间的合作伙伴关系,将一个区域聚集在一起,学生可以在一边获取食物,在另一边交换使用过的物品. Led by Campus Activities, the CC Pantry 通过提供营养丰富的水果和蔬菜以及货架稳定的膳食来支持面临粮食不安全的学生. The CC Exchange, 由可持续发展办公室领导,旨在通过提供机会捐赠轻度使用的物品,通过满足基本需求,为CC的整体福祉做出贡献,从而减少浪费. Together, these programs create the CC Pantry Exchange.

For questions about the CC Pantry, email Campus Activities at 
For questions about the CC Exchange, email the Office of Sustainability at 

The CC Exchange

The CC Exchange (正式名称为交换空间)由可持续发展办公室协调. CC Exchange是由EnAct发起的,它是CC多年前在校园里运行时间最长的俱乐部之一. Originally, CC交换是为了给学生们提供一个空间,通过捐赠他们轻轻地使用过的物品来减少浪费,否则这些物品最终可能会被填埋.

自从与校园活动合作,并转移到可持续发展办公室, the CC Exchange will continue to build on that idea. 该项目旨在减少垃圾的产生,增加校园垃圾的分流, 通过与社区合作伙伴(包括校内和校外)合作扩大项目的范围,并通过提供满足基本需求等有助于他们整体福祉的空间来支持CC学生!  

学生们可以带着稍微用过的衣服和配饰来捐赠,并与其他物品交换,以减少浪费,为CC社区的整体福祉做出贡献. 学生不需要捐款就可以从空间中拾取物品.

Open Hours
  • Academic Year (Weeks 1-3)
    • Thursdays from 2-4 PM 
  • Block Break & Summer Hours
    • Closed 

How To Donate 

The CC Exchange accepts donations from the CC community. Donations are accepted during open hours of the space. 在CC交换空间内有一个捐赠箱,可以放置物品. Please DO NOT drop off items outside the door. 如果我们的时间不适合您的日程安排,请联系 to arrange a donation drop-off with our team. 

请注意,由于存储空间有限,我们可能全年不接受某些项目. Please refer to the donation guidelines below. 

cc exchange accepted list

cc exchange not accepted list


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partnerships & projects

CC赌博正规的十大网站全年与许多校内和校外合作伙伴合作. on a wide range of events, programs, and projects. 看看下面我们最近和正在进行的一些合作! 

Teaming up with the Career Center, the CC Exchange ran its first-ever clothing drive, focusing on professional wear! CC社区的反应简直令人惊叹——工作人员, faculty, 甚至校董会的成员也捐了197磅. of stylish attire.  These garments will soon find new homes among CC students, 确保他们为面试和未来的职业活动做好准备. 学生们可以去CC赌博正规的十大网站看看这些奇妙的发现. 如果你在最后一分钟需要穿西装,你也可以去职业中心看看!

CC Exchange与Residential Experience合作,帮助管理整个校园的洗衣房. Throughout the year, 这些房间往往会无意中变成丢弃和/或遗忘的衣服的地方. In response, 居留权交换中心与地方区议会和地方自治机构紧密合作,接收这些项目, providing them with a second chance at being claimed. What's even better is that after a month of going unclaimed, 寻找丢失衣物的人可能会在CC交易所偶然发现它们. Currently, this initiative is up and running at Hybl and Mathias, 并计划在未来几年将该项目扩展到所有洗衣房. 

Twice a year, the CC Exchange hosts two pop-up events, 打破了Worner地下室的限制,与校园社区互动. The 1st pop-up in fall was a collaborative effort with Arts & 手工艺,管家中心,和CCSGA整合快闪到万圣节周末的庆祝活动. The 2nd pop-up celebrated spring cleaning and sun-soaked days. Across both pop-ups and multiple days, the CC Exchange saw ~300 students stop by, 他们中的一些人骄傲地炫耀着他们的新发现.
In FY24, the CC Exchange received ~1,000 pounds of donations. However, with such an influx, 不可避免地,有些东西不太符合要求,或者在空间里停留了太长时间. 为了负责任地发挥我们的作用,这些物品被定向到两个不同的目的地. 如果衣服仍然完好无损,CC Exchange会将它们捐赠给Springs Rescue Mission. 对于那些我们不接受或形状不好的物品,我们已经投资了面料 & TerraCycle的服装零废物箱,确保它们经过适当的报废回收.

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Report an issue - Last updated: 05/29/2024

The CC Pantry

The CC Pantry 是一个由校园活动主导的空间,为在校园里经济困难或面临食物不安全的学生提供免费的食物和用品. 这个空间对学生来说是一个欢迎和没有耻辱的环境. 维持食品储藏室和满足校园社区的需求, we ask that students take only what they need. 我们也鼓励人们带着他们的可重复使用的袋子来放置CC食品储藏室的物品. For more updates follow the CC Pantry Instagram @ccpantry! 

如果你正在经历极端的粮食不安全,而CC食品储藏室不足以满足你的需求, please reach out to the following offices:

Open Hours
  • Academic Year (Weeks 1-3) 
    • Wednesdays from 1-3 PM
    • Thursdays from 2-4 PM
  • Block Break Hours
    • Thursdays from 9:30-11:00 AM 
  • Summer Hours
    • Closed

 Sign Up for the CC Pantry 

sign up button

Supporting the CC Pantry

通过CCSGA和慷慨的捐助者的资助,CC食品交换成为可能. Thanks to the generosity of donors, 我们可以把旧的收发室改造成这个更大的空间. 我们还雇佣了学生员工来支持运营,并购买了一个 refrigerator, 除了我们的标准新鲜农产品之外,冷冻水果和蔬菜的机会扩大了吗.  如果你愿意为这个项目捐款, please visit GiveCampus.  You can also support this by visiting the CC Pantry Wishlist

除了CC食品室,我们门外还有一个食品架. CC社区可以随时在这个架子上放置一些项目. This way, students can grab an item in a pinch. You can also donate reusable grocery bags on this shelf

Additional Resources 

面临食品不安全的学生可能有资格获得SNAP福利. To learn more, one can visit the SNAP eligibility webpage. If you are an international student looking at SNAP, please reach out to Global Education and Field Study at for more information.