
科罗拉多大学 is committed to providing our community with transportation options that are safe, healthy, 和可访问. Even though half of the student population uses non-motorized methods for transportation, 赌博正规的十大网站提供其他的出行方式. They provide transportation through 山地铁, 校园安全, and carpool programs. More information is listed below in the Initiatives section of this page.



CC provides short-term bicycle parking for all occupied buildings and offers several bike storage sheds, 它们位于两个最大的宿舍楼外.


CC provides secure bicycle storage, shower facilities, and lockers for bicycle commuters. 在Adam F酒店,自行车通勤者可以使用储物柜和淋浴. 新闻健身中心. 目前CC的学生可以免费使用该设施, 教职员工, 还有董事会成员.


In 2018, 赌博正规的十大网站与PikeRide合作, 一个全市范围的自行车共享计划,允许CC学生, faculty, 员工可以免费使用自行车. 截至2019年,所有PikeRide自行车都是 电动自行车 是什么让更多的用户享受到骑车的乐趣. Simply download the Drop Mobility app and locate a bike to get started. 有关PikeRide以及如何注册的更多信息可以在这里找到 here.


The CCE has a small number of bikes that can be used free of charge for a day by students to get to and from local non-profits, schools, etc. 促进社区参与. Anyone wishing to use a bike should stop by the front desk of the CCE or email cce@bomabearing.com.


户外教育 has a fleet of e-bikes and "fat" bikes (mountain bikes) for low-cost rentals, 可在齿轮室的时间. These fleets cater to group rentals but can be rented by individuals if available. 如果你有自己的自行车,自行车 & 滑雪合作社可支持您的设备维护需求. 该合作公寓还出售u型锁、自行车内胎和轮胎. 电子邮件outdoored@coloradocollege.提问. 


科罗拉多大学 provides FREE access for students to use the 山地铁 bus system in getting around the Colorado Springs area. Real-time GPS tracking and text message notifications are accessible to students to provide them with accurate wait time estimates at shuttle stops. 有关巴士路线的更多资讯,请浏览 山地地铁.

山地铁 recently launched a FREE shuttle service for everyone to use in downtown Colorado Springs called the ZEB. The downtown shuttle aims to make visiting downtown even more convenient. The shuttle will run between Cache La Poudre and Rio Grande streets with stops at 科罗拉多大学, 怀德领域, and the U.S. Olympic & 残奥会博物馆.

ZEB沿着Tejon街行驶. 根据具体日期和时间,每7-10分钟就会有接机.


  • 周一至周四,早上7点.m.-10 p.m.
  • 星期五,7点.m.-midnight
  • 星期六,8点.m.-midnight
  • 周日上午10点.m.-8 p.m.



校园安全 provides a safe ride service for the immediate campus vicinity (1.5英里半径). It is student-run and is available to all campus community members FREE of charge.

Safe Ride 工作时间(工作期间):

  • 周日至周四:晚上8点至凌晨1点
  • Friday & 星期六:晚上9时至凌晨2时
  • 星期五(杂货店班车):下午3点至6点
  • 星期六(杂货店班车):上午11点至下午3点



  • A shuttle to transport students to the Denver International Airport and the Colorado Springs Airport on major travel days for a small fee.
  • CC拼车, Facebook页面, helps to connect students seeking rides with those seeking travel companions and/or gas money.
  • The 搭便车者的联盟 赌博正规的十大网站, 由大学资助的学生团体, offers van service to Breckenridge Mountain on Saturdays during the ski season.

科罗拉多大学 has led several initiatives to support alternative fuel and power technology in its motorized fleet such as

  • 校园内所有柴油车辆均使用B20燃料
  • Replacing gas-powered golf carts used by maintenance staff with all-electric Low-Speed Electric Vehicles
  • Replacing older service vehicles with smaller more fuel-efficient Ford Transit Connects
  • Recycling waste oils from college vehicles to use to heat the 运输 Building


In 2018, the Office of 可持续性 worked with the Office of 运输 to include a carbon offset price. CC车队(货车、suv、公交车等)的价格.每英里收费一美分. Since then, over $3,000 have been collected and invested in reducing emissions from the one-cent carbon fee. 要了解更多信息,请查看此 催化剂的文章 作者:本杰明·斯威夫特,21岁,《建筑 & 理由是实习生.


需要给你的车充电? 2013年,CC安装了几台 充点 塔特图书馆停车场的公共车站, making it easily accessible to CC and the greater Colorado Springs community. 充电站是1990年Jim Burness提供的, 他主修政治学,也是国家汽车充电公司的首席执行官. Burness arranged for the donation of the charging station from 充点, 全国最大的汽车充电网络.

每小时收费75美分. An hour of charging will give you approximately 10 to 20 miles of driving distance. CC充电站已经安置在公司的 online map 以帮助支持全国电动汽车充电网络. 一款手机应用程序还允许司机定位充电站.

另外, there are two other charging locations on campus; both the Robson Parking Garage and East Campus Parking Lot have non-充点 EV charging stations. 

Please keep in mind that you must have a valid 科罗拉多大学 parking permit to use these charging stations, 不过你可以在许可地段以外的地方使用充电站.


  • 地段C-1(图坦卡蒙图书馆): 2 充点站 
  • 地段E-1(东校区): 2 电动汽车充电站 
  • 地段(Robson Arena停车场1层): 4 电动汽车充电站

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BFU Bronze


科罗拉多大学 named a Bronze 单车友好大学 by the League of American Bicyclists

The League of American Bicyclists recognizes 科罗拉多大学 as a Bronze-Level 单车友好大学! The League of American Bicyclists is a grassroots advocacy organization encouraging better bicycling and protecting the rights of people who bike.

CC joins an elite group of 212 colleges and universities in 47 states and the District of Columbia that are taking action to address the health and environmental challenges facing America by creating campuses more welcoming to people who bike. CC is committed to providing our community with transportation options that are safe, healthy, 和可访问. Check out what we are doing to promote alternative methods of transportation below and be a part of PikeRide!

“It is so energizing to have 科罗拉多大学 among our cohort of 212 Bicycle Friendly Universities across the country,比尔·内斯珀说, 美国自行车联盟的执行董事. “The 2020 class of 38 Bicycle Friendly Universities has addressed a crisis unlike any we’ve seen in our lifetimes. 在大流行中, we are grateful each of these institutions has acknowledged the benefits to the well-being and health of its students, staff, 成为自行车友好型大学. These colleges and universities are leading by building healthy environments where people can safely get around while improving the well-being of their community by enabling access to sustainable transportation options.”

了解更多关于联盟和它的 单车友好大学 program.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 10/30/2023