
的 校园主 provides confidential support to CC students affected by sexual misconduct, including but not limited to: sexual assault, 跟踪, 和/or intimate partner or dating violence. 的 校园主 works with survivors/victims of all identities.


  • Free 和 confidential survivor/victim-centered emotional support 和 safety planning
  • Information about options 和 resources
  • Support navigating medical, 法律, 或第九条程序
  • Connection with campus, community, 和 state resources for counseling, 建议, or reporting

学生 do NOT have to report their experience to 第九条 to receive support services from the 校园主.

  • 校园倡导者:卡西·卢娜
  • Location: Room 233 in the Yalich Student Services building
  • 电子邮件: cluna@bomabearing.com
  • Phone (office): (719) 227-8101

We do not provide counseling/therapy or 法律 advice. If you have questions about counseling or 法律 resources, please call our office for a referral.

For the survivor/victim, sexual violence is often a traumatic event. Trauma is a response to something that is emotionally painful 和 distressing, 和 overwhelms an individual's ability to cope. Trauma is subjective, 和 individuals may experience a wide range of emotions. 的re is no one way to respond to trauma. 

If you or a friend has experienced sexual violence, the college has a range of resources that can assist you in underst和ing options for next steps, 包括:

  • 获得医疗照顾
  • Survivor-centered emotional support
  • 安全规划方案
  • Information regarding reporting options

校园主 can provide support as a confidential resource while also helping you navigate any medical, 法律, 或第九条程序. A student does NOT have to report their experience to 第九条 to receive support services from the 校园主.

查看 Support 和 Reporting Options 和 Procedures医疗和法律选择 更多信息页面.

Remember that aside from designated confidential resources, all CC employees are m和atory reporters (including RAs). This means that if you mention identifying details to an employee who isn't a confidential resource, they are 法律ly obligated to report to the 第九条 coordinator. If you don't want to start a 第九条 process or aren't sure yet, speak to confidential resources like the 校园主, a 牧师,或 咨询中心


校园提倡: Confidential resource available for all students, faculty, 和 工作人员. 的 校园主 supports CC community members harmed or affected by sexual violence. 的 校园主 can be reached at:

  • Location: Room 233 in the Yalich Student Services building
  • 电子邮件: cluna@bomabearing.com
  • Phone (office): (719) 227-8101

凯特·霍尔布鲁克牧师: Confidential care for support 和 resources

咨询中心:  咨询中心 工作人员 is available to support students. 学生 can schedule appointments by calling (719) 389-6093 或发邮件 counselingcenter@bomabearing.com



健康资源中心: 的 人们受 工作人员 is active 和 working to support students on campus! Check out the website 和 social media for updates on virtual events 和 passive programming.

CC Office for 公民权利 和 第九条:Office for 公民权利 和 第九条 is a resource for all students, 工作人员, 和 faculty for concerns involving discrimination, 骚扰, sexual misconduct (including sexual 骚扰 和 sexual assault), 约会/家庭暴力, 跟踪, 以及相关的报复. 的 Interim 第九条 Coordinator, Joshua Isringhausen, can be reached at:

管家中心: 巴特勒中心 is a private, but not confidential, resource that serves as the student center for antiracism, diversity, equity & 包容. 巴特勒中心 is committed to cultivating an antiracist campus through education, 宣传, 和庆祝. Key support 和 outreach happen through coalition building, 身份的发展, 建议, 促进对话, 教育研讨会, 一对一的指导. 


  • 紧急情况:(719)389-6911
  • 非紧急:(719)389 - 6707
  • Haseya倡导者计划: for Native survivors of sexual 和 domestic violence - 719-600-3939
  • : Confidential, 24/7 community-based 宣传 for survivors of sexual 和 domestic violence. 安全的行: 719-633-3819
  • Colorado Springs Police Department: CSPD has a victim 宣传 department for those involved in the criminal justice system. Always call 9-1-1 if in immediate danger.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 10/09/2023


电话(上午9时至下午5时):(719) 227-8101
电子邮件: campusadvocate@bomabearing.com

Phone (M-F 9am-5pm): 719-389-6064
电子邮件: counselingcenter@coloradcollege.edu

24/7 心理健康 Support for 学生: Virtual Care Group (free 和 unlimited)

Off-Campus 机密资源
  • 24小时热线:719-633-3819
  • 聊天(上午7时30分至下午4时30分): 在线SafeLine
的 National Sexual Assault Hotline (也)