
We are committed to encouraging 和 supporting students in making healthy, responsible choices around alcohol 和 drug use. While t在这里 are students who choose to engage in substance use, t在这里 are many who do not. Drinking 和 smoking are not activities that are "just part of the college experience," but rather ones that require critical examination. 的 decision to use or not to use - whether it's a decision one makes for their college experience as a whole, or a decision one makes on any given weekend - requires thoughtful self-reflection, 和 knowledge of responsible use. Through our programs 和 services, we challenge students to think about the impact substance use has on their individual experience 和 community experience at CC, 和 prepare them with knowledge of substances 和 responsible use so that they may strive to make the best decisions for themselves. 最终, all students have a responsibility to their community, 他们的教育, 和 to their own positive self-growth while at CC 和 beyond. We believe that underst和ing the dynamics of substance use 和 abuse, 和 having access to equitable services is necessary for wellness development through a holistic lens.

Substance use is also intimately connected to the WRC's other focus areas: mental health promotion 和 sexual violence prevention. 查看我们的 研讨会资源 pages for more information on all of these topics 和 to find out how you can get involved. 的 BADASS Active Byst和er Intervention Program also covers how to Be Aware, 决定采取行动, 和 Say Something in situations involving substance use 和 partying.


We enact this mission through a multi-pronged effort which includes:

  • clear articulation 和 consistent enforcement of 政策 that promote an educational environment free of substance use/abuse;
  • ongoing prevention education programming for members of the campus community;
  • training 和 empowerment for students to effectively 干预 when they see peers in at-risk situations; 和
  • providing a range of care through the 校园医疗服务, 咨询中心, 和 referral to off-campus treatment programs.

酒精. We know that alcohol use 和 abuse are associated with a number of health 和 safety risks, 包括伤害, 过量, 和受害. 办公室就像 校园活动住宅的经验, as well as student groups like Sacred Grounds, develop programming 和 spaces that promote safe, 有趣的环境. T在这里 are many 资源 for students trying to find alternative events 和 activities. T在这里 are also many 资源 available to students who are trying to evaluate their own choices around alcohol. 的 酒神巴克斯的网络 has information about the health 和 safety risks associated with alcohol use, 学生可以用 咨询中心 工作人员 to get an assessment of their substance use. Counselors can help students develop plans to manage their substance choices in healthy ways, as well as provide referrals to appropriate treatment programs. For students who are already in recovery, t在这里 are a variety of 12-step program meetings that take place within walking distance of campus.

If you would like to check in on your alcohol use, check out this free 和 confidential screener 在这里

大麻. Although Colorado legalized recreational use of cannabis for people over 21 years of age, marijuana use 和 possession are 禁止 on the 科罗拉多大学 campus. If you have questions about the Colorado marijuana statutes, the 科罗拉多州 和 科罗拉多斯普林斯市 have developed information to help residents underst和 laws.

If you would like to check in on your cannabis use, check out this free 和 confidential screener 在这里

烟草. We've known for decades that tobacco use is harmful to our health, placing us at increased risk for a variety of illnesses, 包括癌症, 心脏病, 中风, 呼吸系统疾病, reproductive illness 和 problems, 口腔健康问题. If you or someone you know uses tobacco, you can learn more about the impacts of tobacco use, as well as learn about strategies 和 资源 for quitting at 烟草FreeCO. 文书主任退出流动 是一个强大的, FREE text message-based program that places you on the path to a life free from tobacco.

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Making decisions about a single substance is one thing, but we know that some people combine drugs. Check out this important information about the effects 和 risks of mixing substances.


的se resource organizations can be helpful:


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报告问题 - 最后更新: 08/18/2022