
The HIP 倡议 is an effort to build deeper, mutually 有益的 的关系 with 社区 partners in order to 加强 the impact of Colorado College in the city of Colorado Springs. The 协作 for 社区 订婚 (CCE) will support a 财团 of around 10 社区 partners toward 发展中 deep, 多方面的 机构 合作伙伴关系 with students and faculty in areas of need 确认 by these 社区 partners. The project seeks to unite campus and 社区 利益相关者 in the work of 一起营造 合作伙伴: (1) in which students and faculty 有意义的 贡献 to 组织 任务, (2) that provide 发展 pathways that 培养 in CC students the habits and skills needed to be 有效的 change makers in their 研究生 lives, and (3) that support the 教育 mission of the College though 连接 to teaching and research.

High Impact 财团 Values

The 协作 for 社区 订婚 at Colorado College seeks to build a 财团 of 社区 partners in the Colorado Springs 社区 around the values listed below. These values reflect best practices in the fields of 社区 订婚 in higher 教育, and are also intended to 建立 the 基金会 for 合作伙伴关系 between the college and 社区 grounded in mutuality and integrity.

  • An Asset Based Approach - Every 社区 faces 挑战. But every 社区 also has numerous assets that can be 培养 and 杠杆 to address these 挑战. We view partner 组织 as assets in 寻址 社区 needs, and seek to develop 的关系 with 组织 that take a similar asset based approach.
  • Place Based - The unique history and 特性 of life in Colorado Springs is 至关重要的 to our approach. We seek 的关系 with 组织 who take an approach that is 减毒 to the complex forces that have shaped and continue to shape this place.
  • 共同创造的 - We take seriously the knowledge and skills of CC faculty and staff, but also believe our students and 社区 partners have knowledge and skills to share. We believe the strongest approach to working on public problems comes through equitable 协作 among all of these 利益相关者.
  • 社区 Partners are Co-Educators - Our 社区 partners have detailed knowledge of the issues they work on day in and day out. We encourage our students to acquire this knowledge at 社区 sites and in 课外学习 learning spaces from 社区 partners, and we believe this learning should be as rigorous as knowledge acquired through the academic program.
  • 发展 - We seek 发展 growth both for our students and with our 社区 partners. If we grow together, the 的关系 between the College and the 社区 partner becomes stronger - leading to deeper impacts on 社区 挑战.
  • Deep and Sustained Capacity Building - We seek to 建立 pathways for CC students that help them grow, from entry level 机会 to 多年 承诺 with 增加 levels of 责任. The goal is to prepare students to add capacity to our High Impact Partner 组织.
  • Cohort Based: We seek to build a cohort of 社区 partners that can learn from and with one another, building intra-社区 协作 and 促进 shared work towards common goals.
  • 机构 合作伙伴关系 - We seek to build 的关系 with High Impact Partners that are 机构. The CCE will serve as the central College contact for 协助 partners in 识别 and taking 优势 of 资源 and 机会 可用 through multiple venues at Colorado College.
  • Equity, 多样性, and 包容 - We seek partners who 优先考虑 equity, 多样性, and 包容 within their 组织, and promote these as 至关重要的 outcomes of their work.

How will it work?

社区 partners will be invited to apply to join the High Impact Cohort at Colorado College. If accepted, these are the 承诺 we seek from 社区 partners:

  • Attend a quarterly cohort meeting focused on dialogue, 培训, and 解决问题
  • Possibly 参与 in a shared activity, learning 机会, or skill building exercise between quarterly meetings
  • Commit to creating mutually 有益的 机会 for Colorado College students and/or faculty, including ongoing positions for 个人, 合作伙伴关系 with groups, or 基于项目的 work (根据 on need)
  • With support from CCE staff, 共同创造 发展 机会 for students that lead to 越来越多地 complex skills and 责任 over time -- from entry level work to capacity building 机会 that 有意义的 enhance your 组织 mission
  • Allow students to explore different kinds of work at your 组织, in an effort to support their personal 洞察力 of identity and future career pathways
  • With support from CCE staff, explore 可能性 to partner with faculty through 课程 and/or research projects
  • Commit to 定向 students and/or faculty to your 组织 and your work, so they learn about the larger contexts in which they will engage
  • Commit to one event annually in which you share your area of expertise at CC; for example, this might be 促进 a workshop or serving on a campus panel
  • Join an email listserv and remain attentive to 公告 that are 分布式 through the listserv

Benefits of 会员 in the High Impact 财团

  • 支持 社区 of 组织 to help 解决问题, generate ideas, and share 资源
  • Space to ask 问题 of, and share ideas, 反馈, or concerns with Colorado College
  • 承诺 of CCE staff to make efforts to deepen 合作伙伴关系 with your 组织 through making 连接 to people, 资源, and programs; and 沟通 机会 to potential 利益相关者
  • 培训 on how best to access and utilize a range of students at Colorado College, including groups of 志愿者, interns, and 研究人员
  • 培训 on how to leverage the 资源 可用 in higher education 具体地说 at Colorado College, including campus spaces, 研究人员 and faculty, and student workers
  • 培训 in how to work 有效地 with the Block Plan and with CC's student culture
  • 培训 on 社区 engaged research and other 基于项目的 订婚 to support teaching and 研究 合作伙伴关系
  • Ability to advise the CCE in how to best mobilize and prepare students and faculty to work in the 社区
  • Ability to build 的关系 and 合作 with other 社区 partners in the cohort
  • 机会 to network with staff, faculty, and students at Colorado College

CCE Support

To 促进 this work, the 协作 for 社区 订婚 will focus on deepening 合作伙伴关系 with your 组织 through: (1) making 连接 to people, 资源, and programs; (2) 沟通 机会 to potential 利益相关者; and (3) 增加 合作 among offices on campus who support student 社区 订婚 -- with whom you already work or could work -- to organize efforts toward deeper 集体 impact.

具体地说, the CCE commits to the 后:

  • Organize and 协调 quarterly High Impact Partner meetings
  • Provide 机会 to dialogue, 解决问题, and answer 问题
  • Heavily promote 机会 at high Impact partner sites, 特别是 to first year 学生, and build 激励 to increase student 承诺 to HIP sites over time (e.g. pay, 实习 的机会, or research 机会)
  • 主动 seek to make 连接 with 适当的 faculty, depending on need
  • Help resolve 运输 barriers to ensure students can get to and from 社区 组织
  • Organize regular trainings for High Impact Partners, including best practices on 促进 社区 订婚 for college students as well as how to work with the Block Plan culture and schedule
  • Explore the 可能性 of 建立 a student leader or leaders 负责任的 for 连接 students to High Impact Partner site
  • Make efforts to 合作 more deeply with campus partners -- such as the Career Center, Financial Aid, and/or the Public Interest 奖学金 Program -- to 加强 the 意向性 and 协调 of students working at High Impact Partner sites

here to view our current list of High Impact Partners!

For more 信息, please contact 社区 伙伴关系 发展 协调员 Niki Sosa (nsosa@bomabearing.com).

报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/17/2020