




Bonner-Group-Photo.jpeg邦纳奖学金是非常有选择性的四年奖学金, cohort-based opportunity designed to help develop student leaders from underrepresented backgrounds who seek to transform their communities and our world. Bonner Fellows (also known solely as "Bonners") are paid to work alongside the community for the duration of their college career, 通过这个融资项目,我们承诺每天24小时都参与其中, students from less privileged backgrounds have the opportunity to work in a sustained way on a community issue they care about. 邦纳们参加了一个集体研讨会的课程(被称为我们的 CCE变革者课程),培训,嘉宾演讲小组,以及讨论,作为他们的有偿奖学金时间的一部分. 这些课外训练和丰富的练习为学生提供了识别的机会, develop, 将个人身份与公民参与的热情结合起来, academic studies, 职业兴趣. Bonner students join a cohort of nine to eleven other peers when they enter into the Fellowship at Colorado College, and will have many opportunities to reflect and build community with the returning Bonner students through reflection groups, all-Bonner会议, 特别基石事件, 邦纳秋天和春天的静修.


By following the Bonner model赌博正规的十大网站加入了一个充满活力的,全国公认的 network 包括奥伯林学院和布朗大学在内的60多所学院和大学. 85%的邦纳人符合佩尔资格, 邦纳优先考虑有色人种和第一代大学生. 在成为邦纳人的过程中, 学生们进入了一个由19人组成的庞大且不断增长的网络,来自全国和世界各地的1000多名学生和校友.


Next Steps

对邦纳奖学金如何支持你的参与感兴趣?  看看这个故事,突出了前邦纳研究员菲利普·卡诺古尔斯基23年的努力!

How do I apply?

Bonner Fellows are chosen based on a competitive selection process that includes a written application and an interview in the beginning of the Fall semester. 23-24学年的申请现已开放 CCE's Summit 该职位将在Handshake网站上发布,截止日期为2023年9月24日. 简介会将于9月6日下午2点在中央文化中心举行. 本次会议的注册可以在 Summit. 还有问题吗?? 联系CCE的公民领导项目协调员, Tyra Voget



  • Check out this page 查看我们目前邦纳学生的名单!




The 邦纳奖学金 is a unique opportunity to develop and apply skills and knowledge in a sustained community engagement program designed to cultivate civic leadership. Fellows are expected to apply rigor and invest deeply in their community work - just as they rigorously approach and invest in their academic work. Students are also expected to work collaboratively and authentically with community partners and CCE staff, 寻求并对持续的指导保持开放, support, feedback, and routine, 密切沟通. The Fellowship provides students 192 hours for paid engagement and learning to support their work in the community each year, 在学生四年的学习经历中实现持续的社区参与工作.


  1. 四年承诺成为赌博正规的十大网站邦纳奖学金的一部分
  2. Around 24 hours of community work and engaged learning per block (an average of 6-8 hours per week) with an identified off-campus community partner
  3. 第一年的辅修课程,并在随后的几年参加blockchangemaker工作坊
  4. 两次邦纳人的社交聚会,一次在秋天,一次在春天
  5. 每年参加邦纳基石活动, 包括:顶点项目和高级学习报告
  6. A fall & 春天写的反思
  7. 参加邦纳街区的社区建设会议, 讨论与反思, learning, 技巧的

你可以阅读更多关于邦纳奖学金的机会 here.

我是一名国际学生. 我还能成为邦纳奖学金的一员吗?

我们感谢并欢迎所有参加赌博正规的十大网站邦纳奖学金的国际学生. 国际学生将完成为期四年的主题探索轨迹, 承诺与经验, 能力建设, 以及与同龄人的学术整合. 取决于当前的移民政策, however, 国际研究员可以在校外从事的工作有一些规定.

International students who are Bonner Fellows can only work at Community Partner Sites where the 合作促进社区参与 (CCE) has an official Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), 或者通过与国际学生选择的学术专业相关的教育网站. For that reason, first year international Bonners who are in their exploration phase will need to only work at community partner sites designated as "High Impact Partner" sites, 或通过CCE的BreakOut学生组织正式访问的站点.

All Bonners who are international students will set up a Community Learning Agreement with the site of their choosing as well as a MOU, 如果它不存在. 国际学生需要与CCE工作人员清楚地沟通他们所选择的地点, 这样我们就可以在这个过程中提供帮助. 一旦选定了学期的地点, 然后,CCE工作人员将把完成的CLA和MOU发送给全球研究办公室, 谁维护每个国际学生的档案.

Additionally, 持有F-1签证的学生在开学期间每周最多可以在校园内工作20小时. 每周20小时总共是20小时,包括所有校内职位的总和. 如果邦纳研究员有另一份校内工作, they will need to be sure not to work more than 20 hours per week between that on-campus job and the Bonner Fellow position. 在学校放假期间,留学生可以在校内全职工作.




The 邦纳奖学金 helps students build a sense of community on campus by linking them together as a cohort, 并将他们与CC校园里更大的邦纳群体联系起来. 奖学金通过第一年的兼职课程将邦纳人聚集在一起, retreats, 以及定期的队列研讨会. 这些群组研讨会, in particular, 为邦纳人提供了一个共同成长的空间——从彼此的经验中学习. Cohort discussions introduce Bonners to a diverse array of experiences and perspectives and aid students in forming values and exploring positions on a host of issues.

Across campus:

还鼓励研究员与学生组织建立社区, administrators, 以及整个CC校区的教职员工. 

Beyond campus:

邦纳人还通过与社区合作伙伴的持续合作,在校园之外建立社区. Bonners will be introduced to select community partners through structured exploration called "mini-internshps" in which students work with rotating partners in the Spring semester on project based work, 了解社区组织和他们可能提供的潜在参与体验.


中心职员赌博正规的十大网站管理邦纳奖学金. 我们帮助邦纳学生学习社会变革工作的基础知识, 辨别他们的职业身份, 并与他们一起思考如何将他们的参与工作融入到他们的学术研究中. 我们鼓励博纳斯在整个职业生涯中与我们的员工密切沟通, including about any challenges they may face - on campus or in the community - and to work with them as well as other Bonners to continually improve the 邦纳奖学金 experience at CC.


赌博正规的十大网站属于一个充满活力的,全国公认的邦纳 network 包括奥伯林学院和布朗大学在内的60多所学院和大学. The 'Bonner model' has emerged as a valuable resource for colleges seeking to create developmental pathways that enable students to integrate their coursework, research, service, 实习的经历, 还有其他机会参与社区参与的顶点项目. 邦纳网络包括本地, national, 以及国际非营利组织, 15,000+邦纳校友, 以及来自不同背景和学科的专业教职员工. 邦纳每年还主办多个全国性会议, 为研究员提供专业发展和交流的机会. 邦纳的网络很庞大, linking faculty, staff, students, and community partners who have extensive experience in community engagement on college campuses and come from diverse backgrounds.


邦纳们根据每个街区的课程安排来安排他们的工作时间表. 而有些学生喜欢每周在特定时间与一个社区合作组织一起工作, other students enjoy the flexibility of changing their work schedule with their community partner each block, 取决于工作量. We encourage prospective applicants to reach out to one of our current Bonner students to talk through their experiences.


As a Fellow, 我是否会在三年内都为一个组织工作, 即使我决定不再在那里工作?

Our hope is that students in their first year will take the time to explore their interests through their "mini-internship" experiences, so that they might have a deeper understanding of the issues that they would like to focus on or the community partners they’d like to work with. Bonner Fellows have the autonomy to decide where and how they would like to engage throughout their time in the program, however, they are asked to commit to a specific community partner for their Bonner work for a minimum of one semester to allow them to develop significant knowledge and experience within that community organization. Our 邦纳奖学金 seeks to foster reciprocally beneficial relationships between community partners and students, and in doing so, 通过支持社区合作伙伴的需求和学生的激情找到平衡, 学生的利益, 学生的能力.


如果你有联邦勤工俭学,可以! 邦纳奖学金是你的联邦工作学习职位. 


交通对于社区参与的努力各不相同, 虽然常见的方法包括散步, biking, bussing, and carpooling. The CCE has a bikeshare program with 10+ bikes that are available for free check-out for students to engage in the community, and we have also established a CCE carshare program where licensed students can rent out a car to get to sites that are farther away or less accessible during the wintertime. Colorado College also offers free public transportation passes for students who wish to use the Mountain Metro local bus system.

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/01/2023